What to Bring
Every child has a named tray and a named peg in the preschool ‘foyer’ area – the first room that you enter. These are the things that your child will need:
Welly Boots (which are kept on the boot trolley)
Indoor shoes (which are kept in your child’s named tray). Anything is fine, but it’s good to have something the children can easily take off and put on themselves as this encourages their independence. Crocs, slippers and Velcro shoes all work well.
Going home shoes (which are kept in their drawer) This is the footwear that they wear to and from school.
Waterproof coat and trousers (relevant for much of the year for outdoor water play)
A change of clothes kept in a small bag which can hang on their peg (even if your child is reliably toilet trained, spare clothes are helpful for water play soakings). This will go home with your child everyday as we don’t have the facilities to store individual bags of spare clothes.
Healthy snack, packed lunch and water bottle (which are kept on the lunch box trolley).
Named sun cream for the summer months. On hot days please apply sun cream before your child arrives.
Sun hat, gloves, scarf, woolly hat (as appropriate)
We can’t emphasise enough the importance of naming your child’s clothes/shoes/lunch box etc. They do recognise things, but they also ‘desire’ other things! Matching belongings to children takes up valuable time. Please help your child by showing them their preschool belongings and where their name is on them.
What does my child need for Forest School?
For the forest activities to be comfortable and enjoyable for your child it is important that they are suitably dressed. In colder weather they will need warm layers, waterproof coat and trousers, hat and gloves. A thermal base layer is useful, as are lined wellies and/or thick wellie socks.
In terms 5 and 6 when we are based away from the preschool hall all morning, your child will need a packed lunch and water bottle in a back pack they can carry themselves. They don’t need a change of clothes in the backpack, to limit the amount they are carrying. The staff bring some spare clothes that can be used in an emergency.
Every week children must wear long-sleeved tops, long trousers, and wellies or sturdy shoes which will protect them from scratches and ticks. Even if it is a hot day, it can be cool under the shade of the trees. In good weather, they will need to have had sun cream applied and wear sun hats.